Obra Publicada
Selecció de publicacions des de 1990:
- Boqué C, Petit J, Aguilera C, Vicente L, Grañena A. Central and extrapontine myelinolysis following allogeneic peripheral haematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation. Favourable outcome in a patient with chronic myeloid leukaemia. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2003 Jan;31(1):61-4.
- Fernández MN, Grañena A, et al. Evaluation of engraftment of ex vivo expanded cord blood cells in humans. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2000 May;25 Suppl 2:S61-7.
- González-Barca E, Grañena A, et al. Low-dose subcutaneous interleukin-2 in patients with minimal residual lymphoid neoplasm disease. Eur J Haematol. 1999 Apr;62(4):231-8.
- Boqué C, Grañena A. [Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in chronic myeloid leukemia]. Sangre (Barc). 1998 Apr;43(2):155-63.
- González-Barca E, Granena A. [Interleukin 2: a step forward in the treatment of cancer]. Med Clin (Barc). 1996 Nov 2;107(15):578-80.
- Mandelli F, Labopin M, Granena A, et al. European survey of bone marrow transplantation in acute promyelocytic leukemia (M3). Working Party on Acute Leukemia of the European Cooperative Group for Bone Marrow Transplantation (EMBT). Marrow Transplant. 1994 Aug;14(2):293-8.
- Grañena A, Carreras E, Rozman, C, et al. Interstitial pneumonitis after BMT: 15 years experience in a single institution. Bone Marrow Transplant. 1993 Jun;11(6):453-8.
- Algara M, Valls A, Marrugat J, Grañena A. Early mortality in bone marrow transplantation for acute lymphocytic leukaemia a multivariate analysis of risk factors. Eur J Med. 1993 Aug-Sep;2(7):386-92.
- Carreras E, Grañena A, Rozman C. Hepatic veno-occlusive disease after bone marrow transplant. Blood Rev. 1993 Mar;7(1):43-51.
- Carreras E, Grañena A, et al. Transjugular liver biopsy in BMT. Bone Marrow Transplant. 1993 Jan;11(1):21-6.