Obra Publicada
Selecció de publicacions de 1926 a 1978:
- Fragments d'una vida: memòries. Barcelona: Edicions 62,1978.
- La Estructura del cuerpo humano: estudios sobre sudesarrollo y decadencia. Barcelona: Labor, 1975.
- Blood supply and the rate of healing of tibial fractures. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, november-December, 1974; 105: 11-26.
- La Contribució de la cirurgia al progrés de la ciència mèdica. Barcelona: Real Academia de Medicina de Barcelona, 1970.
- Studies of the development and decay of the human frame. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1968.
- L'Origen de l'os. Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Biologia; vol. XIX, Arxius de la Secció de Ciències, XXIX, 1962.
- Die Nekrosse des Hüftkopfes nach traumatischen Luxationen Traumaand the living cell. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Orthopädischen Gesellschaft,Munic, 19-22 de setembre 1962.
- Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons, may-june 1961;46(3):73-77.
- The Vascular contribution to osteogenesis. Journal of boneand joint surgery: British number, 1960; 42B(1);97-109.
- Poliomielitis: principios y práctica de su tratamiento. Barcelona:Juventud, 1957.
- Tuberculosis osteoarticular. Barcelona: Juventud, 1956.
- La Etiopatología de la artrosis. Revista de la Facultad de Medicina. Vol. XXIV, marzo de 1956; 243-257.
- Physiological mechanisms involved in the localization of paralysis. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1955 September 27; 61: 883-894.
- Provocking and localising factors in poliomyelitis: anexperimental study. The Lancet, 1954.
- The 'Neurility' of the kidney: a monograph onnerve supply to the kidney. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1952.
- L'Esperit de Catalunya. Mèxic: Institució de Cultura Catalana, 1950.
- Estudios sobre la circulación renal. Barcelona: Publicaciones médicas José Janés, 1949.
- An Atlas of traumatic surgery: illustrated histories of wounds of the extremities. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific, 1949.
- The Contribution of surgery to medical progress. The Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1948; 58.
- Ten years of war surgery. St. Bartholomew's Hospital Journal,1947.
- The Spirit of Catalonia. London: Oxford University Press, 1946.
- War surgery of the extremities in the light of recent experience. London: The Lancet Office, 1944.
- The Principles and practice of war surgery: with referenceto the biological method of the treatment of war wounds and fractures. London :Hamish Hamilton Medical Books : William Heinemann, 1943.
- Arterial spasm an experimental study. The British Journal of Surgery, 1943; XXX(117):75-79.
- The Biological treatment of war wounds and fractures. London: British Medical Students' Association, 1943.
- Absorption of bacteria, toxins and snake venoms from thetissues: importance of the lymphatic circulation. The Lancet. May 17, 1941.
- Plaster of Paris technique in the treatment of fractures. TheMedical Women's Federation Quarterly Review. January 1940.
- Treatment of war wounds and fractures: with specialreference to the closed method as used in the war of Spain. London: HamishHamilton Medical Books, 1939.
- Surgery in air raids, with special reference to the closedmethod of treatment. Nursing Times, 1939; 1469-1470, 1497-148.
- Treatment of war fractures by the closed method. British Medical Journal, 1939; 1074-1077.
- The Organization of hospital services for casualties due tothe bombing of cities, based on experience gained in Barcelona, with specialreference to the clasifications of casualities. Proceedings of the RoyalSociety of Medicine, Section of Orthopaedics, 1939.
- The Functioning of first-aid services during the heavy bombardment of cities, according to experience gainde in Barcelona. The Catholic Medical Guardian, April 1939; XVI(6): 186-189.
- 'Closed' treatment of war fractures, The Lancet,1939; 1452-1456.
- The Treatment of war fractures by the closed method. Proceedingsof the Royal Society of Medicine. 1939; XXXIII:66-74.
- El Tratamiento de las fracturas de guerra. Barcelona: Biblioteca Médica de Cataluña, 1938.
- El tractament de los fractures de guerra Barcelona: Biblioteca Mèdica de Catalunya, 1938.
- Criteri actual en la terapèutica de les artritis gonocòcciques Barcelona: Llibreria Catalonia, 1936.
- La Hidatidosi òssia: ponencia presentada al 'IXè Congrés de Metges de Llengua Catalana'. Barcelona: Tip. Cosmos, 1936.
- Los Casos de simulación en los accidentes del trabajo :conferencia pronunciada en la Asociación General de Empleados de Seguros el día8 de marzo de 1934. Barcelona: Associació General d'Empleats d'Assegurances, 1934.
- Els Tumors malignes primitius dels ossos. Monografies mèdiques (1926); 71-72. Barcelona: Monografies Mèdiques, 1933.
- Les Periduodenitis. Barcelona: Tip. Cosmos, 1931.
- La Patología del simpático. Barcelona: Tip. Cosmos, 1926.
- Importancia de la circulación en la osteogénesis. Barcelona: s.n., 19??.