Obra Publicada
Selecció de publicacions:
- Muñoz Gómez, Josep. “Col·loqui: controvèrsia. El que és important és curar o millorar al pacient”. Revista de la Reial Acadèmia de Medicina de Catalunya. 2007; 22(2):59-60. [Accés web]
- Núñez M, Núñez E, Yoldi C, Quintó L, Hernández MV, Muñoz-Gómez J. A therapeutic education and functional readaptation program for Spanish patients with musculoskeletal chronic diseases. Clin Rheumatol. 2006 Sep;25(5):676-82.
- Collado Cruz, Antonio; Muñoz Gómez, José. Dolor lumbar crónico incapacitante. Tratamiento multidisciplinario. Revista española de reumatología: Órgano Oficial de la Sociedad Española de Reumatología. 2002; 29(10):479-482.
- Peris P, Guañabens N, Monegal A, Pons F, Martínez de Osaba MJ, Ros I, Muñoz-Gómez J. Pregnancy associated osteoporosis: the familial effect. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2002 Sep-Oct;20(5):697-700.
- Gómez-Casanovas E, Sanmartí R, Solé M, Cañete JD, Muñoz-Gómez J. The clinical significance of amyloid fat deposits in rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic long-term followup study using abdominal fat aspiration. Arthritis Rheum. 2001 Jan;44(1):66-72.
- Ponce A, Peris P, Alvarez L, Muñoz-Gómez J. [Clinical meaning of increased alkaline phosphatase]. Rev Clin Esp. 1997 Mar;197(3):176-9.
- Orellana C, Collado A, Hernandez MV, Font J, Del Olmo JA, Muñoz-Gomez J. When does amyloidosis complicate systemic lupus erythematosus? Lupus. 1995 Oct;4(5):415-7.
- Peris P, Guañabens N, Muñoz-Gómez J. Dorsal vertebral fractures with 'normal' bone mineral density. Ann Rheum Dis. 1993 Mar;52(3):244.
- Muñoz-Gomez J, Collado A, Gratacós J, Campistol JM, Lomeña F, Llena J, Andreu J. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome of the lower limbs in renal transplant patients treated with cyclosporin A. Arthritis Rheum. 1991 May;34(5):625-30.
- Solé M, Muñoz-Gómez J, Campistol JM. Role of amyloid in dialysis-related arthropathies. A morphological analysis of 23 cases. Virchows Arch A Pathol Anat Histopathol. 1990;417(6):523-8.
- Campistol JM, Solé M, Muñoz-Gómez J, Riba J, Ramón R, Revert L. Pathological fractures in patients who have amyloidosis associated with dialysis. A report of five cases. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1990 Apr;72(4):568-74.
- Campistol JM, Solé M, Muñoz-Gomez J, Lopez-Pedret J, Revert L. Systemic involvement of dialysis-amyloidosis. Am J Nephrol. 1990;10(5):389-96.
- Muñoz-Gómez J, Solé M. Dialysis arthropathy of amyloid origin. J Rheumatol. 1990 May;17(5):723-4.
- Muñoz-Gómez J, Solé M. Synovial fluid and amyloidosis. Ann Rheum Dis. 1989 Oct;48(10):879.
- Campistol JM, Muñoz-Gomez J, Oppenheimer F, Ricard MJ, Vilardell J, Andreu J. Renal transplantation for dialysis arthropathy. Lancet. 1988 Oct 15;2(8616):900.
- Muñoz-Gómez J, Gómez-Pérez R, Llopart-Buisán E, Solé-Arqués M. Clinical picture of the amyloid arthropathy in patients with chronic renal failure maintained on haemodialysis using cellulose membranes. Ann Rheum Dis. 1987 Aug;46(8):573-9.
- Muñoz Gómez J. [Amyloid arthropathy in hemodialysis patients]. Med Clin (Barc). 1987 Feb 7;88(5):192-4.
- Muñoz-Goméz J, Solé Arqués M. Amyloid arthropathy in haemodialysed patients. Ann Rheum Dis. 1986 Oct;45(10):879-80.
- Muñoz-Gómez J, Estrada-Laza P.Early radiologic manifestations of destructive spondylarthropathy in hemodialyzed patients. Arthritis Rheum. 1986 Sep;29(9):1171-2.
- Muñoz-Gómez J, Bergadá-Barado E, Gómez-Pérez R, Llopart-Buisán E, Subías-Sobrevía E, Rotés-Querol J, Solé-Arqués M. Amyloid arthropathy in patients undergoing periodical haemodialysis for chronic renal failure: a new complication. Ann Rheum Dis. 1985 Nov;44(11):729-33.
- Mercader J, Muñoz Gomez J, Cardenal C. Intraspinal synovial cyst: diagnosis by CT. Follow-up and spontaneous remission. Neuroradiology. 1985;27(4):346-8.
- Muñoz Gómez J, Duró JC. [Diagnostic methods in microcrystalline arthritis]. Med Clin (Barc). 1984 Sep 22;83(8):313-6.
- Muñoz Gómez J. [Corticotherapy in rheumatology]. Med Clin (Barc). 1983 May 14;80(17):755-7.
- Rotés Querol J, Muñoz Gómez J. Tratamiento de las enfermedades reumáticas. 1ª ed. Barcelona: Toray; 1971.