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Obra Publicada

  • Currículum Vitae (2008)
  • Kaistha, A. Castells. S. Celiac Disease in African American children with type I Diabetes mellitus in inner city Brooklyn. Pediatr Endocrinol Rev. Agost 2008; 5 . Suppl.4: 994-998.
  • Bausal, S.; Castells, S. Umpaichitra, V.; Perez Colon, S. Presence of 21-Hydroxilase Antibodies in a Boy with X-Linked Adrenal Hypoplasia Congenita. Horm.Res. Paediatr. 2015; 84(6): 408-413.
  • Kokhar, A.; Castells, S.; Perez-Colon, S. Genetic Disorders of vitamin D Metabolism. Case Series and Literature Review. Clin Pediatr (Phila.). Maig 2016; 55(5): 404-414.
  • Agarwal, S.; Kokhar A.; Castells, S.; et. al.: Role of Social Factors in Glicemia Control among African American Children and Adolescents with Type I Diabetes.J. Natl. Med Assoc. Febrer 2019; 111(1): 37-45.